Greetings from paradise! Happy Solstice, Merry Christmas, and Joyful Winter to all... We are still on the happy little island of Gili Trawangan, where it's hot, usually sunny, and extremely friendly. Brandon and I took a scuba refresher course, and we've been diving along the coral reefs. We've seen several sea turtles, the camouflaged scorpion fish, a moray eel, nudibranches, trigger fish, and thousands of other brilliantly colored sea treasures. It's pretty fun to have a tab at the diving place, so we can just wander on over there, grab some gear, hop on a boat, spend an hour underwater looking at fish, have some fruit and tea, and then walk back home- so easy!
It doesn't take long for everyone to know your name, or at least to holler out “America!” when you walk by. People know where you like to eat, they know what you've bought before, and what you might buy again. It's the kind of place where you can say “See ya tomorrow”, and there's a 90% chance you will- no planning necessary. There's one major street that runs along the east coast of the island, and you'll find everything you need on it. Convenience stores, restaurants, swanky bars with big cushions or lounge chairs on the sand, where you can sip cocktails and watch the turquoise surf. There's even little pods where you can order food or drinks and watch a movie on TV with a friend or two...
We've found other fire dancers, and we spun some poi outside one of the bars a few nights ago. And I had the great pleasure of joining a group of local kids, probably aged 4-11, in some gymnastic playtime in the sand. They showed me some breakdance moves, and I showed them a couple moves I learned in my capoeira class. It was pretty funny- they all got excited and there were little brown boys jumping and flipping and somersaulting all over the place. I wished so badly that I had had a camera with me- it was hysterical.
Brandon and I have decided that we were followed by an evil spirit from Bali, as we continue to struggle with our bodies, and we seem to take turns. First it was food poisoning for me, then food poisoning for Brandon, then a nasty fever and infection for me, then some strange muscle cramp that made it hard for Brandon to breath deeply, then a day of stomach cramps and a night of fever for me, and now Brandon's strange muscle cramps have moved to the other side of his body. So weird. We're thinking that we'll buy some Balinese offerings and offer them up to appease whatever ill-tempered spirit that haunts us.
Despite the troubles with health, we're managing to have a great time...I guess if you're gonna get sick, might as well do it somewhere where you can rest all day, cool off in an ocean or swimming pool, and watch movies on the beach...We hear that there's lots of snow back home, so throw a snowball for us and have a great holiday season!
Much love to all our friends and family who have sent love, stayed in touch, and especially to those who have helped us ward off the evil spirits of reality... making phone calls and running errands for us and attending to the little complications that are hard to deal with on your own when you're on the other side of the world... Couldn't ask for a better home team...THANK YOU!
1 comment:
Selamat malam! Apa Kabar? OMG, OMG, OMG!!!....LOVE the video. Glad you got out to the Gili's. The snow is epic here! Have you found our perfect tropical future yet? You guys rock! Much love!
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